Friday, October 30, 2020

Announcements for October, 30th 2020

We'd like to highlight these 1st graders from each section as the scholars of the month. These students have been chosen for their outstanding display of the virtue responsibility.

1A: Olivia Ramon

1B: Grey Egbert

1C: Leon Schuda

1D: Abigail Pickett


Students really got in the 'swing' of things and did an amazing job reciting their poems! We ae so proud of them and they should be proud of themselves! Everyone gets a virtual pat on the back!

Next week, we will take a short break from poetry and will focus on the idiom, you can't teach an old dog new tricks!


1st grade is in the middle of their Ancient Egypt unit.  Next week we will be learning about mummy’s and pharaohs.


In science, we will continue our unit on Sun, Moon and stars.  We will be discussing our memories and experiences with a sunrise and sunset. Take the weekend to relax while watching one, make a memory, and talk about it with your scholar.  It will make for great conversation next week! 


Our first-grade scholars are now moving on to Unit 6-“Numbers to 20.”  They will learn how to count, read and write within 20. Two-digit numbers within 20 are introduced as being 1 ten and additional ones and 20 as being 2 tens. (15 would be said as “one ten and five ones.) In order to count objects such as picture cutouts, students will first make 10, then they may count on from 10. Number cards are used to help students recognize the numeral representing the number within 20. They will learn to associate the number-word with the symbolic representation: twelve = 12. Once they are familiar with the numbers within 20, students will learn to count backwards within 20 as well. This will help them recall number sequence within 20 which in turn will help with the comparison of numbers within 20. The students will learn the terms: greater, greatest, smaller, smallest while comparing sets of objects and sets of numbers.


We will be discussing the fable, "The Maid and Milk Pale." We will be learning to balance items on our head, making a bird's nest, a spilled milk activity, and more.
Items needed:
paper plate
string or yarn
liquid glue
I hope your scholars are enjoying the fables and activities.

Other Announcements

Please remember to send your scholar to school with a labeled water bottle (they are not allowed to drink from the water fountains but can fill their water bottles up from them), and sweater and/or coat when it is cold.


Tying shoes…we appreciate your support by teaching your scholar how to tie their own shoes for their safety. Thank you!


One of the ways our students can do something productive during dismissal time is silent reading! Please send your child to school with a book to read from home. Thank you 😊

Friday, October 16, 2020

Announcements for October, 16th 2020

Our first grade scholars have been working diligently to complete assignments, study, and strive for excellence these past few weeks of the end of Quarter 1. Our first-grade team is hoping our students and their families enjoy their Fall Break. We look forward to seeing everyone October 26th rested and ready to learn.


We will be finishing The Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing. When we return from Fall Break, we will be reading, “A Dog and a Manger.”
I am excited to explore these fables with your scholars. 

The Dog in the Manger, illustrated by Milo Winter


Students have been practicing up a storm and it shows! Many students already know the complete poem, The Swing, by Robert Louis Stevenson! They flew through the first stanza, breezed through the second stanza, and sailed through the third stanza! For those still learning stanza three, we know you will have it down lickity-split! The poem recitation will be October 28th, 2020.


Beginning the week our first grade scholars return to DL and school on October 26, they will begin to learn the various words to describe positions of people and objects in their surroundings. The scholars will learn new vocabulary words such as position, direction, near, far, under, above, in front of, next to, to the left of, and to the right of. They will also learn to name the position of things using ordinal numbers first- 1st to tenth-10th.  Parents, be sure to incorporate these vocabulary words when giving directions or when having them do chores around the house, e.g., “first, pick up your toys and put them away, second, do your homework, third, have a snack.”


We have begun our new unit on Sun, Moon and Stars!  The students have been thrilled to talk about their different observations. Please make sure to reiterate to your scholar that it is harmful to look directly at the sun. Parents, if you have any constellation/solar activities or objects that you wouldn't mind letting the 1st grade borrow, please contact Ms. Luevano.

The Earth and Moon, taken during the 1990s Galileo mission by NASA/JPL/USGS.


In history, we ended our unit on Mesopotamia.  When we return, we will begin our unit on Ancient Egypt.  If any families have visited or have any ties to Egypt, please contact Ms. Luevano.
Anubis weighing the soul of the scribe Ani, from the Egyptian Book of the Dead, c.1275 BCE, Mary Evans Picture Library/ age Fototstock

Other Announcements

Striving for excellence is what we try to do every day at Great Hearts Western Hills School and its Distance Learning Program. We ask that our scholars always use their best Spalding printing skills on all their school work so it is legible and neat. Again, we thank you, parents, for reminding your scholar to use their best printing on all their assignments.

Please remember to send your scholar to school with labeled water bottles and uniform sweaters once they return to school. The weather will hopefully be cooler, but often times the classrooms are cool and some of the students feel more comfortable with a sweater on in the classroom.

One thing the first-grade team asks from families is that they teach their first-graders to tie their own shoes. It takes patience and practice but it is something that we don’t have enough time for in our busy schedule to teach. If all our students begin to learn now over the Fall Break, they will be tying their own shoes by Thanksgiving…a very admiral goal and it will boost their self-confidence! Thanks for your support.

Enjoy your Fall Break! 🍂

Milo Winter, 1919, The Dog in the Manger, image, The Project Gutenburg,, accessed Oct. 15 2020.
Elizabeth Landau, Last Updated Oct. 14 2020, The Sun and Moon, image, taken during the 1990s Galileo mission, NASA, Oct. 15 2020,
Thomas Garnet Henry James and Peter F. Dorman, Jan. 29 2019, Anubis weighing the soul of the scribe Ani, image, from the Egyptian Book of the Dead, c.1275 BCE, Encyclopedia Britannica, Oct. 15 2020,

Friday, October 9, 2020

Announcements for October 9th, 2020

Our Brick and Mortar scholars are enjoying their academics, specials classes, recess, and lunch! Based on the teachers’ interactions with the Distance Learning scholars, they seem to be happily engaged with the curriculum due to their thoughtful answers and conversations with their Zoom groups. We are proud of our first-grade Spartans!


    We took a short break from poetry after reciting The Purple Cow, but, are back on course! We have a lovely poem titled The Swing, by Robert Louis Stevenson. Students were given a copy of the poem to bring home and a copy of the poem was uploaded to Google Classroom. The poem is comprised of three stanzas. If students focus on one stanza per week, they will have the entire poem ready for recitation in three weeks! Some students demonstrated their quick memorization skills by reciting the first stanza just one day after receiving the poem! Impressive!!!
The recitation date is October 28, 2020.


    We will continue with Ancient Mesopotamia and finish out the unit with gods and goddesses.


    We will begin a new Unit on Stars, Moon and Sun.  Students will begin by learning about night and day.

    In Literature, we will be discussing fables. We are currently working on “The Boy Who Cried Wolf.” 
    Next week, we will discuss, "The Sheep in Wolf's Clothing." I hope your scholars are enjoying the fables and activities that we are creating.


    Our first-grade mathematicians will continue to learn three more “subtraction” strategies this last week before the Fall Break. They will learn the “count back,” “adjacent numbers,” and “make 10” strategies for subtraction. They will take the Unit 4, Ch. 2 test on Thursday and the Unit 4 Subtraction Cumulative Test on Friday. The first graders will learn the various words to describe positions of people and objects in their surroundings in Unit 5 when they return from their break.

Other Announcements

    Parents, please send a healthy snack and a water bottle (labelled clearly with their name) with your child every day, even if they are having a hot lunch. Healthy snacks are deemed as fresh fruit or vegetables. Granola bars, whole grain crackers, or popcorn are a healthy choice as well. Chips, cookies, chocolate, and sugary snacks such as Nutella or chocolate chip muffins will not be allowed. 

    All scholars should bring a GreatHearts sweater or cardigan to school. Some of the classrooms are quite cold and some students might need/want an additional layer to keep them comfortable. Please be sure to label your scholar's first and last name in the sweater or cardigan.

    We have one more week of classes, October 12-16, and then everyone will be on a well-earned Fall Break!

Swing Photo Source:
Sheep Photo Source:

Have a Wonderful Summer!!!

Important Information Your scholar should have brought home some reading information. The first part is their log on card so they can access...